Create node
Nodes can be created in two ways, using the load method or chart.nodes.add
Here is how to add node using loadchart.load({ nodes: [{ id: 1, templateId: 'process', x: 400, y: 150 }] });Here is how to add node using chart.nodes.add
chart.nodes.add({ id: 1, templateId: 'process', x: 400, y: 150 });
When you create a node with chart.nodes.add onChanged event listener will be called. Mandatory fields are id, templateId, x and y, you also can add one of the Node's properties.
To diaply a text inside node you can set the default text property or add your own property for example thisIsMyNodeContent and change the html template method of the template:
let chart = new FlowChart('#chart'); FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.html = function(node){ return `<div data-shape-thisIsMyNodeContent="text">${node.thisIsMyNodeContent}</div>`; } chart.load({ nodes: [{ id: 1, templateId: 'process', x: 400, y: 150, thisIsMyNodeContent: "Lorem ipsum" }] } );
To learn more on how to display data inside nodes see Fields help article.
Update node
You can change node properties from the UI, dlouble ckick on the field and start typing or programatically.
Here is how to change node content programmaticallyvar node = chart.nodes.get(1); node.text = 'new text';
Here you can see all node methods and properties.
Node size
As you can see from the demo in "Update node" section, when the content of the node changes the size of the node changes as well, this is because the preocess template has dynamic size, width and height properties are set to 'fit'.
FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.width = 'fit'; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.height = 'fit';
If you want all nodes with template process to be with fixed size you can change the process template:
FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.width = 200; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.height = 120;
In case you want the size to be fixed only for specific node, you can set the width and height explicitly for that node
var node = chart.nodes.get(1); node.width = 200; node.height = 120;
Or using the load method
chart.load({ nodes: [{ id: 1, templateId: 'process', x: 400, y: 150, width: 200, height: 120 }] } );
Here is an example with two nodes, the secomd node is with fixed width and height
Node colors
Here is how to change the node color from the template
FlowChart.shapeTemplates.document.fill = '#F57C00';
Here is how to change the link color from link data
chart.load({ nodes: [ { id: 3, x: 900, y: 150, fill: '#FFCA28' }, ] });
Here is how to change the link color programmatically
var node = chart.nodes.get(1); node.fill = 'red';
Node shape
To change the shape override svg method of the template. Here is an example how to create rectangle shape with lines and users icon
FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process.svg = function(shape){ return `<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="${shape.width}" y2="0" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line> <line x1="0" y1="${shape.height}" x2="${shape.width}" y2="${shape.height}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line> <line x1="${shape.strokeWidth / 2}" y1="${shape.strokeWidth * 4}" x2="${shape.strokeWidth / 2}" y2="${shape.height}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line> <line x1="${shape.width - shape.strokeWidth / 2}" y1="0" x2="${shape.width - shape.strokeWidth / 2}" y2="${shape.height - shape.strokeWidth * 4}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line> `; }
Custom node template
If the shape you are looking for is not listed above you can create your own shape. For example lets create Subroutine shape, Subroutine indicates a sequence of actions that perform a specific task embedded within a larger process.
Because Subroutine looks very similar to the process shape you can extend the process shape and add two lines on each side.
FlowChart.shapeTemplates.mySubroutine = class extends FlowChart.shapeTemplates.process{}; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.mySubroutine.displayName = 'My Subroutine'; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.mySubroutine.displayInShapeBar = false; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.mySubroutine.displayInPortShapeBar = false; FlowChart.shapeTemplates.mySubroutine.svg = function(shape){ var intent = shape.width / 10; return `<rect rx="7" ry="7" x="0" y="0" width="${shape.width}" height="${shape.height}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; fill:${shape.fill}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></rect> <line x1="${intent}" y1="0" x2="${intent}" y2="${shape.height}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line> <line x1="${shape.width - intent}" y1="0" x2="${shape.width - intent}" y2="${shape.height}" style="stroke:${shape.stroke}; stroke-width:${shape.strokeWidth};"></line>`; }