Persist the state (scale, position, min/max nodes) in the url or indexedDB
Default value: null
- name
- readFromLocalStorage
- writeToLocalStorage
- readFromIndexedDB
- writeToIndexedDB
- readFromUrlParams
- writeToUrlParams
Code example:
let family = new FamilyTree(document.getElementById('tree'), { state: { name: 'StateForMyTree', readFromLocalStorage: true, writeToLocalStorage: true, readFromIndexedDB: true, writeToIndexedDB: true, readFromUrlParams: true, writeToUrlParams: true }, nodes: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2, pid: 1 } ] });
1. Local storage
Use name to save a state name
Code example:
state: { name: 'StateForMyTree', readFromLocalStorage: true, writeToLocalStorage: true, },You can see the result here:

You can test the state here by changing the position of the tree and refreshing the page (F5)
Limitation: most browsers has 5MB limit of the local storage.
Usage is the same as Local storage.
Limitations: does not work in iframe.
Code example:
state: { name: 'StateForMyTree', readFromIndexedDB: true, writeToIndexedDB: true, },
Use stateToUrl method to open the saved state in the browser:
- readFromUrlParams
- readFromLocalStorage
- readFromIndexedDB