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AI (Experimental)

To have AI in your organizational chart, it is enough enableAI to be true


 let chart = new OrgChart(document.getElementById("tree"), {
    enableAI: true,

You can try the following prompts:

  • Add new employee Ivan under Ruby
  • How many employees?
  • Increase the salary of Amelia with little
  • Highlight sales


Here is an example that can send a message to a given employee:.

How we achieve this?

In aiChatTools we give an array of functions to the AI with these parameters:

  • functionName - The function's name
  • functionDescription - A comprehensive explanation of the function's purpose and capabilities.
  • functionParameters - JSON schema defining the function's input arguments
    let chart = new OrgChart(document.getElementById("tree"), {
        enableAI: true,
        aiChatTools: [{
                functionName: 'sendEmail',        
                functionDescription: 'Send an email to a given employee with a subject and message.',        
                functionParameters: {
                    type: "object",
                    properties: {
                        to: {
                            type: "string",
                            description: "The employee email address."
                        subject: {
                            type: "string",
                            description: "Email subject line."
                        body: {
                            type: "string",
                            description: "Body of the email message."
                    required: [
                    additionalProperties: false
                strict: true

Then in onAIToolCalls we parse the responce with all the objects having a

FunctionName and FunctionArguments to our functions:
    function sendEmail(args){
        window.location.href = 
        return 'ok';

        for(var toolCall of args.toolCalls){
            if (toolCall.FunctionName == 'sendEmail'){
                toolCall.FunctionResult = sendEmail(toolCall.FunctionArguments);

For a given prompt "Send an email to Denny asking for a meeting",here is the result:

System instructions

By giving the model system instructions, you provide the model additional context to understand the task and generate more customized responses.

    OrgChart.AI_SYSTEM_MESSAGES = ["You are an HR assistant and your answers will be sarcastic"];